The Witch's Heart Read online

Page 16

  Wolfberry—Wolfberries (also known as goji berries) are primarily used in Chinese traditional medicine for their ability to grant overall health and general wellness. Some describe them as pure chi, or life force, in berry form. Medically, they have a high antioxidant content and are used to treat a variety of illnesses as well as function as a general tonic. They are a member of the Solanaceae family of plants, including the witchy belladonna and mandrake as well as tobacco and potato. Wolfberries are said to enhance male virility and increase sperm production, but they are not necessarily known specifically for any erectile enhancement.

  Yohimbe—The bark of an African tree is used as an aphrodisiac and to promote sexual virility in men. The active alkaloid yohimbe is used in treating male erectile dysfunction, though most studies have been done on the prescription derivative, not on the herb itself. Many consider it unsafe, as it increases heart rate and blood pressure and can cause insomnia, among other side effects. Generally, it is most effective when combined with a small dose of vitamin C. Some herbalist friends of mine make a male potency tea with it and suggest adding two tablespoons of lemon juice to truly activate the yohimbe.

  The herbs listed here are given for magickal purposes specifically, not medical, though through the principles of correspondence we can deduce magickal abilities from the herbs’ medical abilities. You should not ingest any herbal products without consulting your healthcare practitioner. If you do not have any outstanding healthcare issues and are given permission by your healthcare practitioner, the following formulas can be used in moderation. If you do have any issues with blood pressure, cardiovascular health, or adrenal problems, are on any prescription or other herbal medication, or have any concerns, please consult with a qualified medical practitioner.

  tincture} Male Potency

  3 tablespoons horny goat weed

  3 tablespoons yohimbe bark

  2 tablespoons ginseng root

  2 tablespoons damiana leaf

  1 tablespoon ginger root

  1 tablespoon coriander seed

  1 tablespoon licorice root


  Mix and grind all ingredients thoroughly. Fill one-third of a Mason jar with this mixture and then fill the jar with vodka, at least 80 proof. Ideally do this when the Moon is waxing and either in Aries, Taurus, or (best) Scorpio, or on a Tuesday, the day of Mars. If you have a phallic stone such as a quartz penis or Shiva Lingham, charge it in a separate ritual for male potency and put it in the jar before you seal it, or place it on top of the jar if you don’t want to mix your stone with your herbs and alcohol. A garnet would be a great stone to use, too, if you don’t have a phallic stone. Shake well every day for at least six weeks. Decant and strain out the herbs. Bottle the tincture in a dark glass dropper bottle.

  To use with maximum efficiency, take a dropper full in a glass of water with a tablespoon of lime juice an hour or so before having sex. Take a second dose a half-hour before having sex.

  elixir} Body-Mind Overdrive

  2 tablespoons blue vervain

  2 tablespoons damiana

  2 tablespoons nettle

  2 tablespoons ginseng

  2 tablespoons saw palmetto berries

  1 tablespoon passionflower

  1 tablespoon schisandra berry

  1 tablespoon star anise

  1 tablespoon ginger

  ½ tablespoon comfrey root

  1 tablespoon sarsaparilla

  1 pinch American mandrake

  1 Shiva Lingham stone

  13 cups spring water

  1 cup honey

  1 cup brandy

  Vanilla (optional, to taste)

  Cinnamon (optional, to taste)

  Sometimes the biggest obstacle to male virility is in the mind. Men get nervous and have performance anxiety and issues around expectation. Stress, lack of sleep, and even excess caffeine can all play a role in these issues, but here is an herbal formula I’ve used for some male clients with great success. It helps align the body with the mind, to help the man have great sex. They do say the brain is the largest of the sex organs.

  Grind the herbs together and place them in a simmering pot with thirteen cups of pure water. Bring the mixture to a boil and let it simmer to half the volume you started with. You can add vanilla and/or cinnamon to improve the taste, but they are not the main ingredients. Stir in one cup of natural honey. Let it cool, and add one cup of brandy to preserve it. Bottle in dark glass bottles and store someplace cool and dry. Take a tablespoon daily to improve your overall sexual health and outlook on sex. Take a shot of the elixir before having sex.

  If you wish to invoke the power of these herbs without ingesting them, I suggest the following charm bag.

  charm} Virility Pouch

  A red bag

  1 buckeye or 1 phallic stone or charm

  2 tablespoons damiana leaf

  1 tablespoon ginger powder

  2 tablespoons gotu kola

  1 tablespoon basil leaf

  A few drops of a lust oil (see below)

  1 match or sexual fluids

  Mix the above-listed herbs as the Moon is waxing to full. Place them in the red bag along with the buckeye and the phallic stone or charm. Add a few drops of oil—Satyr Oil if a gay man or King of the Woods if a straight man (see page 179). Light a match and drop the burning match into the bag. Close the bag and snuff out the match in the bag, leaving the essence of fire in the bag. Carry it with you wherever you go. Instead of putting the lit match in it, you could anoint the contents of the pouch with your own semen. If this is meant to increase your virility in the context of a marriage, anoint it with the sexual fluids of both yourself and your partner, and place it under the mattress.

  Women’s Libido

  While the signs of sexual dysfunction in women are not as overt as those of with men, they are just as serious. Originally classified as frigidity in women in early psychological diagnostics, this condition has been renamed hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). Many forms of herbal magick and ritual can be used to increase sexual desire quite effectively in women.

  While so many of the classic textbooks on aphrodisiacs tend to focus on the more visible effects of aphrodisiacs on men, many of the same substances work just as effectively on women. And there are specific herbs that are more strongly associated with women. Many of the herbs associated with curing impotence can also be used with women, particularly those that increase blood flow to the genitals.

  Calcarea Carbonica (Calc Carb or Calcium Carbonate)—When taken in a homeopathic preparation, this remedy can help increase low sex drive, particularly if the low sex drive is due to exhaustion, anxiety, menopause, or menstrual problems. It’s particularly good if there has been an increase in weight or issues around excessive sweating.

  Cimicifuga—The homeopathic form of black cohosh is a remedy for low sex drive in women suffering from any gynecological or hormonal problems.

  Dong Qui—Dong qui is a species of angelica (Angelica sinensis) that is both a tonic for women and considered a female aphrodisiac, increasing sex drive when taken as a tea or tincture. It is sometimes referred to as the “female” ginseng, as it works so well for women.

  Schisandra Berry—Schisandra berry is a popular Chinese tonic because it is said to be the perfect five-flavored fruit, including the tastes of sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and pungent. It is a powerful adaptogen and sexual stimulant in general but is particularly associated with women for increasing sexual desire and vaginal lubrication.

  Skullcap—Skullcap generally is used as a nervine and relaxant, but it is powerfully useful for both women and men as a tea or tincture to help with any tension around sex. It tones the body and soothes the mind.

  Staphysagria—Larkspur prepared homeopathically will increase sex dri
ve in women who suffer from unresolved anger and resentment, or sexual aversion due to poor health or a surgery such as a hysterectomy.

  Sulfur—Homeopathic sulfur helps women increase their libido when suffering from PMS, insomnia, or a general lack of energy. It helps when there is any guilt or feeling of “sin” around sexuality.

  Ylang-Ylang—The scent of ylang-ylang in essential oil form is excellent for both women and men, and in particular is good for what was considered frigidity. It is particularly good in a bath mixture.

  Yoni Charms—Any charm or object in nature that is reminiscent of the female genitals can be used magickally to increase female sexual power. Charms are often shaped like figs or sea shells; in particular, the popular cowry shell, used in African diasporic divination systems, is also a yoni symbol.

  tincture} Female Power

  3 tablespoons dong qui

  2 tablespoons damiana

  1 tablespoon schisandra berry

  1 tablespoon ginger root

  1 tablespoon skullcap

  Mix and grind all ingredients thoroughly. Fill one-third of a Mason jar with this mixture and then fill the jar with vodka, at least 80 proof. Ideally do this when the Moon is waxing and either in Aries, Taurus, or (best) Scorpio, or on a Tuesday, the day of Mars. If you have a yoni charm or a cowry shell, charge it in a separate ritual for female potency and put it in the jar before you seal it, or place it on top of the jar if you don’t want to mix your charm with your herbs and alcohol. A garnet would be a great stone to use, too, if you don’t have a yoni charm. Shake well every day for at least six weeks. Decant and strain out the herbs. Bottle the tincture in a dark glass dropper bottle.

  To use with maximum efficiency, take a dropper full in a glass of water with a tablespoon of lime juice an hour or so before having sex. Take a second dose a half-hour before having sex.

  Empowerment Baths

  The following formulas mix essential oils and can be used in bathing magick or adapted for perfume or massage when mixed with a base oil. Magickal baths carry with them the power of healing water.

  formula} Bath Oil to Cure Sexual Anxiety

  5 drops ylang-ylang essential oil

  3 drops lavender essential oil

  1 drop neroli essential oil

  1 drop sandalwood essential oil

  Add these oils to your bath prior to having sex. This mixture helps reduce anxiety and induce a state of relaxed sensuality.

  formula} Sensual Bath Oil

  5 drops ylang-ylang essential oil

  4 drops sandalwood essential oil

  2 drops frankincense essential oil

  1 drop rose essential oil

  This formula is slightly stronger that the first, having a more sensual component to it. Add it to bath water or mix with 1⁄8 cup of a base oil and use as a perfume.

  formula} Aphrodisiac Oil

  5 drops patchouli essential oil

  5 drops clary sage essential oil

  1 drop jasmine essential oil

  Another oil to be added to the bath, this is more lustful and primal than the previous two oils. It stimulates sexual desire.

  Lust Spells

  Beyond aphrodisiacs to get one in the mood or virility magick to enhance the body’s physical response, we have spells whose sole purpose is to actually have sex, not just enhance sexual experience. These spells are to draw not a romantic partner but a sexual partner. They don’t just make you more desirable or entice another, they attract another who desires to have sex with you—and hopefully, if you do the spell well, one with whom you want to have sex too.

  Like love spells, I’ve found both ethically and practically that these spells are best when you have no specific person in mind but wish to attract the appropriate sexual partner for you at this time. Like all love spells, they theoretically can be “aimed” toward specific people, but you must bear the consequences of such actions when such spells go awry, and even when they are more successful than you anticipate. Often what you think is a spell for a simple one-night stand can attract someone who soon becomes enchanted and obsessed with you, while you do not feel the same. As with all magick, be careful what you wish for, because you probably will get it—but not always in the way you anticipated.

  spell} Candle Sex

  One of the simplest spells for when you just want to have sex is a candle spell. Ideally, do this spell on the waxing Moon, though you can do it any morning to work with the waxing energies of the day if the Moon is waning.

  Take a red taper candle. While you can cleanse it in purifying smoke first and, if you desire, carve it with any sexual-oriented runes and anoint it with any of the oils listed below, it is most often done simply, with no purification, carving, or oil. While I like to do it as a folk spell without the magick circle ritual, you can do it in or out of a magick circle, depending on your preference.

  Hold the red candle in your hands. Think about your desire to have sex. Don’t focus on a specific person, but think of the sensations of having sex, the feeling of touch. Imagine yourself having sex with someone nonspecific. When you feel the candle is “full” with your desire, light it, and let it burn down until it’s done. Then go out and put yourself in a situation where sex would be more available to you. Go to a club. Go to an online chat room for singles. Attend a party or social function with lots of people. If you make yourself available, within three days you will have sex.

  The spell is most successful when you are not specific and have few stipulations in it. The spell doesn’t necessarily get you someone very attractive or someone very talented sexually, unless you state it. The more stipulations you put in, the harder it is to manifest. But if you just want sex with few stipulations, then this spell is very successful.

  spell} Drawing Philter

  A formula coming from the Cultus Sabbati tradition, found in the Viridarivm Umbris by Daniel A. Schulke, consists of mixing vervain, rose petals, and fennel seeds. Though the instructions end there, you could grind them together in equal portions into a powder and make a tea with the ratio of one tablespoon herb to one cup hot water. A tincture could be made by extracting the plant powers through soaking the herbal powder in alcohol or, most powerfully, taking a pinch of the mix and placing it in your magickal chalice filled with spring water and letting it sit overnight. Ideally, put it out under the waxing full Moon. Drink the cup of tea, take a dropper full of tincture, or drink the chalice water to find the virtue of these drawing herbs transferred to you. Then you will have the ability to attract others to you magickally.

  spell} Attraction Amulet

  This particularly powerful amulet is traditionally used to attract another of the opposite sex. Mix the following herbs together in equal measure and grind them into a powder, then carry in a red bag. Due to its toxic nature, this powder should not be used as an incense.


  Poppy seeds

  Bachelor’s buttons




  spell} Sex Incense

  2 tablespoons dragon’s blood resin

  1 tablespoon red sandalwood

  1 tablespoon satyrion root (orchid root)

  1 tablespoon damiana leaf

  ½ tablespoon amber resin

  ½ tablespoon hydrangea root

  ½ tablespoon coriander seeds

  ¼ tablespoon foxglove flower and/or leaves

  2 bay leaves

  10 drops oakmoss oil

  10 drops vetiver oil

  1 tablespoon honey

  5 tablespoons red wine

  This incense blend can be used to increase a lustful vibration. It can be burned prior to seduction, to alter the mood of the location (particularly the bedroom), or it can be burned during sex and part
icularly during sexual rituals.

  Mix the dried ingredients together and grind them to a powder. If you cannot find satyrion root, you can use lucky hand root or orris root as a substitute, but it’s not as powerful. Benzoin powder can also be a good base for any love or lust incense, as it relaxes the mind and will enhance the qualities of the other herbs.

  Mix them with the wine until the powder is like a thick paste. Then mix in the honey thoroughly. Let the mixture dry over several days, and break it apart into small chunks that can be burned on charcoal.

  spell} Lust Poppet

  A poppet is a ritual doll used to make magick. Most people are familiar with the concept of the poppet through the legendary voodoo doll, but the use of poppets in the African traditions occurred through the European influence. Poppets can be used to heal or to harm. The idea works through the principle of sympathy. When you fashion a doll in the likeness of someone, whatever is ritually enacted on the doll will occur to the living person. Direct healing energies to the doll, even with a pin, and the result is healing energies being sent to the person. Direct curses to the doll, particularly with a pin, and pain and illness are directed. Love and lust can be directed toward the doll, and those energies will be directed toward the person.

  What the doll is constructed of, and when and how it is made, will affect the magick. Ideally, if you are working with a specific person, if the doll can be fashioned out of an article of clothing the person has worn or out of a personal object like a handkerchief, it will be very effective. If not, putting a bit of hair or fingernail clippings into the doll will also be powerful. Such personal effects work through the principle of contagion, stating that once two things have touched, they will always be connected. The items can be used to direct magick toward each other.

  If you are open to doing magick for a specific person who is not in your life, you can direct the lust poppet to fuel their desire for you. Sadly, this doesn’t always work out the way you want. Just because you increase someone’s lust doesn’t mean that it will necessarily be directed toward you or that the recipient will act upon it. If they are shy or feel forward propositions for sex are improper, they will simply be hornier, but it won’t benefit you. It’s a powerful spell to do consciously on yourself and/or your partner, however, to increase the passion and lust in your relationship. You can either make one doll for whoever is less sexual or two dolls, one for each of you.